You can't find the answer to your question?
To submit your application, you should:
1/ Click on the “Participate” button
2/ Answer the questions marked with an asterisk
3/ Submit your entry form within the entry period, from February 1st to March 31, 2024
4/ Click the “Submit” button to submit your entry
5/ Check the box confirming that you agree to challenge rules and conditions
¿Qué empresas pueden optar a este reto?
Los proyectos presentados deben tener una repercusión directa o indirecta en la ciudad/país objeto del reto.
Las empresas participantes deben tener menos de 5 años de antigüedad.
El Reto también está abierto a promotores de proyectos.
The application portal will be open from February 1st 2024 to March 31st 2024. Applications must be received before 23:59 (Paris time) on March 31st 2024. For fairness reasons, late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Entry to the GDB LINK x Spain Challenge is free.
You can indicate that certain documents in your file are confidential by marking them "CONFIDENTIAL". If your application is selected by the selection committee, documents marked "CONFIDENTIAL" will be passed to other parties only if you consent.
Individual meetings or calls with applicants are not possible. The submission on our platform is the only way to make sure that all applications are properly being reviewed by the selection committee. Graines de Boss would contact you to clarify some aspects of your submission only if you are selectable for the final stages of the competition.
Shortly after submitting your project on line, you will receive an email notification confirming your application.
From February 1st to March 31, 2024
Candidates can submit their applications from February 1st to March 31st 2024 (closing date).
April 2024
If the application is selected by the administrators, it becomes visible on the platform and can be assessed by the identified panel.
April 2024
Physical or telephone meeting between the member of the jury and the applicant to assess the application (this meeting is not compulsory and is left to the initiative of the member of the jury).
April 2024
The winners in each city will be chosen before 20/04, by a local jury if a partner has taken over the chairmanship or by a Graines de Boss jury which will meet on Wednesday 15 April 2024.
The Spain winner will be chosen by a Graines de Boss jury which will meet in April. It will be chosen from all the local winners and will be celebrated in June 2024 at the Movement of the Enterprises of France in Paris.
Please send us an e-mail to with all your questions.
You can send your application to by sending your Business Plan by Wetransfer and by completing this form.